Sikos, J., Versley, Y., and Frank, A. (2016):
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Candito, M., Choi, J., and Versley, Y. (eds.) (2015):
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Haas, M. and Versley, Y. (2015):
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Kirilin, A. and Versley, Y. (2015):
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Goldberg, Y., Marton, Y., Versley, Y., Çetinoglu, Ö., Rehbein, I., Tetrault,
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First Joint
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Versley, Y. (2014):
Experiments with Easy-first nonprojective constituent
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Versley, Y. (2014):
Incorporating Semi-supervised Features into Discontinuous
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Telljohann, H., Versley, Y., Beck, K., Hinrichs, E., and Zastrow, T. (2013):
STTS als Part-of-Speech-Tagset in Tübinger Baumbanken. Journal for
Language Technology and Computational Linguistics.
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Versley, Y. (2013):
A graph-based approach for implicit discourse relations.
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Versley, Y. (2013):
Graph-based Classification of Explicit and Implicit
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Versley, Y. (2013):
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Discriminative Reranking. Second Joint Conference on Lexical and
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Versley, Y. and Gastel, A. (2013):
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Versley, Y. (2012):
Supervised Learning of German Qualia Relations. ACL
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Versley, Y., Brock, A., Henrich, V., and Hinrichs, E. (2012):
Three Approaches
to Finding German Valence Compounds. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung
Natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2012).
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Versley, Y. and Panchenko, Y. (2012):
Not just bigger: Towards Better-Quality
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Broscheit, S., Ponzetto, S.~P., Versley, Y., and Poesio, M. (2010):
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of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
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Poesio, M., Ponzetto, S., and Versley, Y. (2010):
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Recasens, M., Màrquez, L., Taulé, M., Martí, M.~A., Hoste, V., Poesio, M., and
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Rodiguez, K., Delogu, F., Versley, Y., Stemle, E., and Poesio, M. (2010):
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Tsarfaty, R., Seddah, D., Goldberg, Y., Kübler, S., Candito, M., Foster, J.,
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Versley, Y. (2010):
Discovery of Ambiguous and Unambiguous Discourse
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Versley, Y., Beck, K., Hinrichs, E., and Telljohann, H. (2010):
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the TüBa-D/Z Treebank. 9th Conference on Treebanks and Linguistic
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Versley, Y. (2008):
Decorrelation and shallow semantic patterns for
distributional clustering of nouns and verbs. Proceedings of the ESSLLI
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Versley, Y. (2008):
Vagueness and Referential Ambiguity in a Large-Scale
Annotated Corpus. Research on Language and Computation, 6.
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Versley, Y., Ponzetto, S.~P., Poesio, M., Eidelman, V., Jern, A., Smith, J.,
Yang, X., and Moschitti, A. (2008):
BART: A modular toolkit for coreference
resolution. Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the 46th Annual
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Versley, Y., Ponzetto, S.~P., Poesio, M., Eidelman, V., Jern, A., Smith, J.,
Yang, X., and Moschitti, A. (2008):
BART: A modular toolkit for coreference
resolution. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco.
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