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exercise::WortartBestimmen Class Reference

Inherits exercise::Exercise.

Inheritance diagram for exercise::WortartBestimmen:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for exercise::WortartBestimmen:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (parent, id, backend, vals)
 OnRadioSelect (event)
 OnChoice (event)
 OnClick (event)

Detailed Description

This Class represents the "Wortart bestimmen"-Exercise ond offers the User the ability to select the syntactic type, Kasus, Genus and Numerus of a marked word with select Buttons and DropdownLists.

Member Function Documentation

exercise::WortartBestimmen::__init__ parent  ,
id  ,
backend  ,

exercise::WortartBestimmen::OnChoice event   ) 

Eventfunction which handels the the Kasus, Numerus and Genus-Choices the User made

exercise::WortartBestimmen::OnClick event   ) 

Eventfunction which checks the Userchoices and returns them to the Backend. Inherits a small Check to prevent the user from finshing without making a choice

exercise::WortartBestimmen::OnRadioSelect event   ) 

Eventfunction whcih handels the syntactic-type choice the User made

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Generated on Tue Jul 19 23:30:59 2005 for WoWi by  doxygen