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ConstNode::ConstNode Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (name, nodetype='nonterminal', attr=None, parent=None, children=None, isRoot=False)
 __str__ ()
 __repr__ ()
 get_surface ()
 get_prol_surface ()
 get_value_of (key)
 get_parent ()
 get_root ()
 get_children ()
 get_attr_list ()
 set_movable ()
 is_movable ()
 set_child (child)
 set_all_children (childList)
 set_parent (parent)
 set_value_of (key, value)
 set_all_attrs (attrList)
 traverse ()
 prologRepr ()
 printProlVal (val)
 printProlAttr (attrTup)

Detailed Description

Node class for sentence trees in WoWi

Member Function Documentation

ConstNode::ConstNode::__init__ name  ,
nodetype  = 'nonterminal',
attr  = None,
parent  = None,
children  = None,
isRoot  = False

ConstNode::ConstNode::__repr__  ) 

ConstNode::ConstNode::__str__  ) 

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_attr_list  ) 

returns a list of all feature names the node defines (no values!)

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_children  ) 

returns the children list of the node

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_parent  ) 

returns the parent of the node

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_prol_surface  ) 

returns the surface in prolog notation: a list of words, the capitalized ones in single quotation marks: ''

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_root  ) 

returns the root node that the node is a child of

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_surface  ) 

returns the surface of the node, a string of one or more words

ConstNode::ConstNode::get_value_of key   ) 

returns the value of the feature 'key'

ConstNode::ConstNode::is_movable  ) 

checks whether a node is 'movable' (Satzteil)

ConstNode::ConstNode::printProlAttr attrTup   ) 

returns a prolog representation of a given attribute value pair

ConstNode::ConstNode::printProlVal val   ) 

returns a prolog representation of a given value

ConstNode::ConstNode::prologRepr  ) 

returns a string representation of the node an its children that can be interpreted by the prolog grammar

ConstNode::ConstNode::set_all_attrs attrList   ) 

takes a list of key-value tuples and calls set_value_of for each of them

ConstNode::ConstNode::set_all_children childList   ) 

sets all children of the node at once

ConstNode::ConstNode::set_child child   ) 

adds a child to the node's children list

ConstNode::ConstNode::set_movable  ) 

declares the node as 'movable' (= Satzteil)

ConstNode::ConstNode::set_parent parent   ) 

sets the parent of the node

ConstNode::ConstNode::set_value_of key  ,

overwrites the value of key, if it already exists or appends a new key-value pair to the attr list

ConstNode::ConstNode::traverse  ) 

traverses the children of node

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