@inproceedings{HartungFrank:2010, address = {Valletta, Malta}, author = {Matthias Hartung and Anette Frank}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)}}, title = {{A Semi-supervised Type-based Classification of Adjectives: Distinguishing Properties and Relations}}, year = {2010} }
@techreport{Hartungandcimiano:08, author = {Matthias Hartung and Philipp Cimiano}, title = {{Abduce or not Abduce -- that is the Question. On the Role of Abductive Reasoning within Discourse Construction}}, institution = {}, address = {}, year = {2008}, note = {to appear} }
@incollection{Reiteretal:08, author = {Nils Reiter and Matthias Hartung and Anette Frank}, title = {{A resource-poor approach for linking ontology classes to Wikipedia articles}}, booktitle = {Semantics in Text Processing. Research in Computational Semantics}, editor = {Johan Bos and Rodolfo Delmonte}, volume = {1}, series = {College Publications}, address = {London, England}, pages = {381-387}, year = {2008} }
@article{Buitelaaretal:08, author = {Paul Buitelaar and Philipp Cimiano and Anette Frank and Matthias Hartung and Stefania Racioppa}, title = {{Ontology-based Information Extraction and Integration from Heterogeneous Data Sources}}, journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, volume = {66}, number = {11}, pages = {759-788}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{Wentlandetal:08, author = {Wolodja Wentland and Johannes Knopp and Carina Silberer and Matthias Hartung}, title = {{Building a Multilingual Lexical Resource for Named Entity Recognition and Translation and Transliteration}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)}, address = {Marrakech, Morocco}, year = {2008} }
@incollection{Staudingeretal:08, author = {Eva Staudinger and Matthias Hartung and Rolf Kailuweit}, title = {{Linking Syntax to Semantics. Template Selection and {PP}-Attachment Ambiguities}}, booktitle = {New Applications of Role and Reference Grammar. Diachrony and Grammaticalization and Romance Languages}, editor = {Bj\"orn Wiemer and Ranko Matasovic and Rolf Kailuweit and Eva Staudinger}, publisher = {Cambridge Scholar Publishing}, address = {Newcastle, UK}, pages = {389-413}, year = {2008} }
@mastersthesis{Hartung:06, author = {Matthias Hartung}, title = {{Die Ausnutzung von Diskurswissen zum Zwecke der Informationsextraktion. Zur Gewinnung impliziter Information aus Texten}}, address = {University of Heidelberg, Germany}, school = {University of Heidelberg, Germany}, year = {2006}, note = {MA-Thesis} }
@inproceedings{Cimianoetal:06, author = {Philipp Cimiano and Matthias Hartung and Esther Ratsch}, title = {{Finding the Appropriate Generalization Level for Binary Relations Extracted from the Genia Corpus}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)}, address = {Genoa, Italy}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{Kailuweitetal:04, author = {Rolf Kailuweit and Matthias Hartung and Eva Staudinger}, title = {{Linking Syntax to Semantics. Multivariate Statistical PP-Attachment Disambiguation}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar (RRG)}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, year = {2004} }
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