INSTALL - DOWNLOAD AND UNPACKING Please download the zip-file "" and unpack it, please set the PATH or change PATH in the "makeWS.bat" and "WordSuggester.bat" (Windows-systems) or "" and "" (Unix/Linux-systems), so that the Java 2 SDK executables(javac, java, javadoc, etc.) could be run under the WordSuggester-directory. More on java 2 SDK installation for MicorSoft Windows please see "", for Unix/Linux please see "". You will also need to put or link the Wordnet db files into data/wordnetdata - DIRECTORIES AND FILES After the unpacking, you find the a directory "wordsuggeester", which contains all the data and files of this package/program: wordsuggester - bin... (class-files in three packages "ws.gui", "ws.qe" and "ws.wordnet") - data...(database files, temporary files, etc.) - doc... (a javadoc-documentation to all the packages, classes and methods of the program) - images... (gif-files as image or icon) - lib...(four jar-files as external libraries) - src... (java-files in three packages "ws.gui", "ws.qe" and "ws.wordnet") - index.xml (information about the project like autor, abstract, etc.) - index.html (start-site of the Project, including a abstract and some links) - INSTALL.txt (this INSTALL-text to give adviecs for compilation and installation) - makeWS.bat (a bat-file run to compile and install the program in Windows-systems) - (a sh-file run to compile and install the program in Unix/Linux-systems) - README.txt (a README-text to give usage tips for the program) - WordSuggester.bat (a bat-file run to start the program in Windows-systems) - (a sh-file run to start the program in Unix/Linux-systems) - INSTALLATION AND COMPILING You might be able to directly run the program("WordSuggester.bat") without compiling it. If neccessary, you might need to change the bat-files or sh-files(e.g. for setting the PATH) and or even changed the codes, then you have to compile all the codes again by just running the bat-file "makeWS.bat" in Windows-systems or "" in Unix/Linux-systems. - PROGRAMM RUNNING Run the "WordSuggester.bat" in MS-DOS-Commando(or by double clicking it) or "" in Unix/Linux-Shell-Commando to start the user graphic interface of this program. For more information to the usage of this program, please see the ReadMe or "Usage Tips" (under the menu "Help" in GUI), to the programming, please see the javadoc-documentation, or contact me by Email: Programming, documentation and graphic design by Sinian Zhang April 2005#