This table is an overview of classes implemented for TeSeT. The documentation of the classes describes briefly their purpose, lists the instance variables and gives a summary of the most important methods. Normally every instance variable has a "get" and a "set" method that are not included in the method summary.
Besides the Smalltalk class library some classes needed to run TeSeT (the most important ones are those needed for parsing and for direct communication with the BIXDatabase) were implemented by Lothar Rostek at Fraunhofer IPSI. These classes are not or just partly documented here.
Class summary | |
BIXLookUp | The BIXLookUp class searches the BIX database |
TSComment | The TSComment class is a simple editor to write comments |
TSCompound | The TSCompound class holds diverse information about a compound and includes methods to manipulate this information |
TSCompoundCollection | The TSCompoundCollection class includes special methods to enumerate over TSCompounds |
TSCompoundElement | The TSCompoundElement class contains information about either the first or the second element of a TSCompound and includes methods to manipulate this information |
TSExtraWindow | The TSExtraWindow class is a read only editor that shows definitions of a selected term in the TSTool application |
TSIcons | The TSIcons class contains the source code for icons created for the TSTool GUI |
TSLabelledTermText | The TSLabelledTermText class holds a definition text from the BIX-Database |
TSSearchWin | The TSSearchWin class provides a GUI for a search in the BIX database |
TSTextController | The TSTextController class is an enhancement of ParagraphEditor that lets the focus shifting information come from the KeyboardProcessor |
TSTool | The TSTool class is the application model class of Term Selection Tool (TeSeT). It manages input and output files, communicates with the GUI, the compound module (including TSCompoundCollection, TSCompound and TSCompoundElement) and the database module (including BIXLookUp and TSLabelledTermText) |
XSGMLStyleDescription | The XSGMLStyledescription class includes style descriptions for div. XSGML files |
a ValueSet. ex: <FXL~ neu>
this ValueSet includes slots like:
#lemmaName: <'neu'>
#Terme: <FXT~ neu_5a, FXT~ neu_1, FXT~ neu_3a, FXT~ neu_2, FXT~ neu_4, FXT~ neu_3c, FXT~ neu_5c, FXT~ neu_5b, FXT~ neu_3b>
a ValueSet. ex: <FXT~ neu_1>
this ValueSet includes slots like:
#lemma: <FXL~ neu>
#termID: <'FX_113544_T1'>
#termLabel: <'1'>
##Definition: <'erst vor kurzer Zeit hergestellt, noch nicht gebraucht'>
#Beispiel: <'das Auto ist [ziemlich]
Class Method Summary |
buildCollectionOfDefinitions: anOrderedCollection from: aBIXTerm
gets information from aBIXTerm and adds to anOrderedCollection |
returns aBIXLemma with its 'Nebenform' if any exists |
collectTextFrom:aBIXTermOrTerms at:aSymbol label: anAssociation
returns an OrderedCollection of TSLabelledTermText with the text for aBIXTermOrTerms at aSymbol |
extractLemmaIDsFrom: aString
returns an OrderedCollection of ids (as string) found at aString |
getDefinitionAt: aString
returns a SortedCollection of TSLabelledTermText with def for aString |
getExtraInfosAt: aString
returns a SortedCollection of TSLabelledTermText |
getExtraInfosAt: aString label: anAssociation type: aSymbol
extracts extra infos from the BIXTerm at aString at aSymbol, labels it with anAssociation and returns a collection including these information |
idNumberFor: aString
returns the id, which is included in aString, as a Number (integer) |
returns an array with the different labels for a definition text |
termsFrom: aBIXLemma
returns all terms that belong to aBIXLemma |
TSComment is an application that allows a user of TSTool to add a working comment to a compound
Method Summary |
postBuildWith: aBuilder
opens the application window, labels it with compound and displays the comment of compound as commentText |
saves the commentText as String in the comment variable of compound |
TSCompound holds diverse information about a compound and includes methods to manipulate this information.
Instance Method Summary |
fillCompoundFrom: aLine
initializes self with aLine, which is a line from a compound file with all needed information |
removes selected terms from both elements of self |
writeCompoundOnStream: aStream
writes self (name and all relevant information) on aStream in table format |
wrongFormatDialog: aLine
calls a dialog that tells the user that aLine does not match the format of a TeSeT table. The user has the possibility to continue with next line or stop reading the file. |
TSCompoundCollection includes methods to enumerate over TSCompounds
Class Method Summary |
collectionFromTabFile: aFile
returns a collection of lines from aFile |
fromFile: aFile if aFile includes a valid TeSeTTable, then this method returns self initialized with the contents of aFile. Else returns nil |
initializeCompoundCollection: anOrderedCollection
returns self initialized with anOrderedCollection |
returns true if aLine matches the format of a TeSeTTable |
TSCompoundElement is either the first or the second element of a TSCompound
Instance Method Summary |
changeElementTo: aString
initializes self with the lemma represented by aString |
returns true if selectedTerm is not nil |
TSExtraWindow is an application window that shows text from a text editor in the main window of TSTool
TSLabelledTermText holds a definition text from the BIX database. It is called a labelled text because the label tells, if the text is a definition, an example, a citation or something else. The text belongs to a single term, which id is also hold in this object. This class only contains "getters" and "setters" for the instance variables.
TSSearch is an application that allows for a full search in the BIX database.
Instance Method Summary |
searches for a lemma in the BIX database and shows the result including additional information (like examples or citations) in searchResult |
searches for a lemma in the BIX database represented by searchString and shows the result in searchResult |
TSTextController is a TextEditorController with some modified methods for TSTool, so that selections in textEditor can be shown.
Instance Method Summary |
redButtonPressedEvent: aMouseButtonEvent
shows selection that is done by a mouse click and sets start and stop indicies for the selection. Calls TSTool>>changedSelectionFrom: |
TSTool is the application model class of Term Selection Tool (TeSeT). It manages input and output files, communicates with the GUI, the compound module (including TSCompoundCollection, TSCompound and TSCompoundElement) and the module that communicates with the database (including BIXLookUp and TSLabelledTermText)
For the purpose of filtering the list of compounds, a number of CheckBoxes are found on the GUI. Their values (Booleans) are also held as instance variables in TSTool.
Class Method Summary |
normalize: aString withTag: aTag
makes an SGML element from aString and returns the contents of a stream that contains this element normalized (as text), i.e. SGML entities are substituted with their values and some special mapping is done with XSGMLStyleDescription class>>bixStyleDictionary |
setTextEditorValue: aStringOrCollection onStream: aStream format the text of definitions included in aStringOrCollection and writes it on aStream. Returns aStream |
Instance Method Summary |
changeDivision changes the division of a compound and gets new term-IDs for the elements |
extraInfosCompound toggles between showing extra information for a compound or not showing it, e.g. changes the value of the showExtraInfos variable of the selected compound |
extraInfosFirstTerm toggles between showing extra information for a compound element or not showing it |
extraInfosSecondTerm toggles between showing extra information for a compound element or not showing it |
getFugenelement finds the selected fugenelement in the fugenelement menu and returns its label (a String) |
maybeSaveIfCancel: aBlock if the page has unsaved changes, suggest the user to save them using the usual Yes-No-Cancel dialog. Answer a Boolean indicating whether it is OK to close the window |
multiChangeFirstTerm changes the first element of all selected compounds |
multiChangeFugenelement changes the fugenelement of all selected compounds |
multiChangeSecondTerm changes the second element of all selected compounds |
openCommentWindow opens a TSComment |
searchForLemma opens a TSSearch |
showAllCompounds shows all compounds at #compoundsList without a filter |
showExtraWindowForCompDef opens a TSExtraWindow to show big definition texts in a bigger editor |
sortCompoundsAlphabetically sorts compounds alphabetically and sets alphabetical to true |
sortCompoundsSystematically sorts the compounds list in the same way as in the input file, sets alphabetical to false |
initializeCounter initializes the counter menu with the states of all compounds, to show how many compounds have each state |
openFile after preparing the application for a new file (closing open file, if any, and refresh window), asks for a file to be opened, loads this file and sets the application's properties for start working on the new list of compounds |
readLogFileAndRecover updates compounds with contents of a log file |
filterByTerm updates compoundsList with all compounds that match the search criteria from the user |
nothingFoundForElementMessage: aString shows a 'not found' message for aString in its editor widget |
setCandidatesValue: aTSCompoundElement at: aTextEditor Gets the definitions for aTSCompoundElement and shows it in aTextEditor |
setSelectionIndicesFor: aTSCompoundElement in: aTextEditor sets the start and stop indices for a selected term of aTSCompoundElement. This is needed to show selection not only at a mouse click, but also to show saved selections of an element later |
getDefinitions: IDs withExtras: aBoolean returns definition texts of BIXTerms at IDs. If aBoolean is true, then this method also returns additional definition texts, like examples and citations |
setAllTextEditorValuesFor: aTSCompound sets text editor values for aTSCompound and its elements |
recoverCompounds: aTSCompoundCollection changes the properties of compounds in compoundsList according to the compounds in aTSCompoundCollection. Re-initializes counter and refreshes window |
updateCompoundsList: aTSCompoundCollection initializes compoundsList with aTSCompoundCollection. If aTSCompoundCollection is not identical with compounds, then shows coloured filter region |
confirmOrChangeStartIndex: anIndex in: aString for: anotherString aString represents a definition text whereas anotherString is an id of a definition. Returns anIndex if it is the right startIndex, otherwise returns a new index |
acceptList saves the compounds into fileToSaveIn |
changedCompoundSelection shows the right definitions for the new selected compound |
changedSelectionFrom: aTSTextController shows new definition selection and changes the properties of a selected compound according to this new selection. Writes in logFile |
The class XSGMLStyleDescription includes style dictionaries. The one used for TeSeT is bixStyleDictionary which contains rules for converting the input XSGML data to the layout needed for TeSeT.