0__Is the following formula a logical rule?(a v b) <-> ~( ~a & b)__0 0__Is fruits a hyperonym of apple?__1 0__Is pars pro toto a Meronym?__1 1__Which of these expressions is a hyponym of fruits?__[1 eadable;2 food; 3 apple; 4 tree]__3 1__Which of these expressions is a deictic one?__[1 hier; 2 singen; 3 schön; 4 Tanz]__1 1__How many Types of languages does Chomsky define?[5 5; 2 2; 3 3; 4 4]__4 2__Give two difficulties the machine speech recognition faces__difference in pronuciation, blurring of words, similar pronunciation of different words, wrong training corpora, bothering sounds from the surroundings 2__Mathesius invented the Thema-[]-Gliederung__Rhema 2__Pragmatics analyses the relation between [] and their specific situations of usage__natural language expressions 3__Give a short definition of syntax__The rules of grammar that are used for ordering and connecting words to form phrases or sentences. 3__Give a short definition of cohesion__Cohesion means a close relationship, based on grammar and meaning, between two parts of a sentence or a larger piece of writing. 3__What is a graphem?__A graphem is the smallest distinctive unit of a writing system. 3__What is the difference between cohesion and coherence?__Cohesion refers to the syntagmatic relations within a text.Syntagmatic relations can be syntax or coreference. The text is coherent if the order of the sentences has a pragmatic sense.