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Todo List

Member DetLemma::detLemma (string &, JXDictionary *, list< result_lemma > &, FILE *)
it would be good (save a lot of .GetStringUC()-calls) to overload this

Member FlexLevel::findString (string &suchstring, JVerbalFlexion *last_jvf, int flex_offs)
returns only first occurance of the string could be changed to stack, but is it being used at all??

Class JVerbalFlexion
to make modifikations in the grammar easier the flexation forms could be read from the dtd, but for Japanese this hardly neccessary

Member JXDictionary::MapDictionary ()
overload function to make input of a different map-file possible

Member XMLReader::getTagFromFile (string, long FilePosition)
by saving the findings in the XMLTag member, it will be overwritten once we start over again; return a new XMLTag object instead?

Generated on Mon Aug 18 19:27:11 2003 for LeJa by doxygen 1.3.3