M.A. Computational Linguistics

The Masters in Computational Linguistics deepens knowledge that you acquired in a Bachelors course. You can choose to focus on applications or research or combine it with a secondary subject ("Beifach"). Our program is meant to be studied consecutively, that is to say you are required to have successfully completed a Bachelor in Computational Linguistics or a similar degree at a German or international university.
You will have to apply for the program. More detailed information can be found in the
Zulassungsordung (Admission regulations)
(in German; non-binding English translation) or here or by contacting studienberatung-mastercl.uni-heidelberg.de.
CL with AM or FM | CL as MS | CL as SS |
120 LP (100%) | 100 LP MS | 20 LP SS |
(incl. 20 LP AM/FM) | 20 LP SS | 100 LP MS |
M.A.-Thesis CL | M.A.-Thesis CL | M.A.-Thesis MS |
AM: integrated application module; FM: integrated research module; MS: main subject; SS: secondary subject; LP: credit points |
The MA program can be studied as follows:
- As a 100% program with an integrated Computer Science Specialization Module (Anwendungsmodul, AM)
- As a 100% program with an integrated Research Module (Forschungsmodul, FM)
- As a main subject with a secondary subject. The secondary subjects can be chosen from the list under Secondary subjects
- You can also choose Computational Linguistics as a secondary subject when studying a different program as a main subject.
Computer Science Specializations
The Computer Science Specialization Module (AM) can be studied with the following focuses:
- Machine Learning
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning (IFML), 8LP
- Advanced Machine Learning (IAML), 8LP
- Master Advanced Seminar on Machine Learning (IMS), 4LP
- Computer Vision
- Computer Graphics (ICG), 8LP
- Scientific Visualization (ISV), 8LP
- Master Advanced Seminar on Computer Vision (IMS), 4LP
- Algorithms
- Algorithm Engineering (IAE), 8LP
- Complex Network Analysis (ICNA), 8LP
- Master Advanced Seminar on Algorithm Engineering (IMS), 4LP
- Computer Engineering
- Parallel Computer Architecture (MScTI_PCA), 6LP
- Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (MScTI_RES), 4LP
- Accelerator Practice (MScTI_ACC), 6LP
- Master Advanced Seminar (IMS), 4LP