Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Computerlinguistik

Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg

Introduction to Semantic Web

Module Description

Course Module Abbreviation Credit Points
BA-2010[100%|75%] CS-CL 6 LP
BA-2010[50%] BS-CL 6 LP
BA-2010[25%] BS-AC, BS-FL 4 LP
Lecturer Mehwish Alam
Module Type Vorlesung
Language English
First Session 24.02.2025
Last Session 28.02.2025
Time and Place daily, 09:00-13:15, online
Commitment Period tbd.

Please note


Students who already obtained credit points for “Foundation of Linked Data” cannot take part in “Introduction to Semantic Web”.

Website of the course:


Oral exam


The Linked Data principles are a set of practices for publishing knowledge graphs on the web. Linked Data builds on the web architecture and uses HTTP for data access, and RDF for describing data, thus aiming towards web-scale data integration. There is a vast amount of data available published according to those principles: recently, 4.5 billion facts have been counted with information about various domains, including music, movies, geography, natural sciences. A selection of the available knowledge graphs is available a Linked Data is also used to make web-pages machine-understandable, corresponding annotations are considered by the big search engine providers.

The lecture combines techniques from different areas, such as databases and artificial intelligence, adapted for use on the web.

The lecture covers foundational techniques to access, process and integrate data, both from a theoretical and practical perspective using the recommendations by the World Wide Web Consortium. The lecture sets out with a history of hypertext systems, followed from an introduction to web architecture and knowledge representation, including algorithms for query evaluation and deductive reasoning.

The lecture closes with a discussion about current opportunities and challenges of applying Linked Data technologies together with natural language processing techniques.


  • Linked Data and the Web of Data
  • Linked Data Basics
  • The Resource Description Framework (RDF)
  • DF Schema (RDFS)
  • The SPARQL Query Language
  • SPARQL Query Evaluation
  • The Web Ontology Language (OWL)
  • Linked Open Data (LOD) and Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) on the Web
  • Entailment Regimes over Linked Data
  • Applications of Linked Data

Course Structure:
The course comprises lecture sessions accompanied with practical exercises and computer exercises.


Date Session Materials


  • Andreas Harth. Introduction to Linked Data. (Selected chapters will be provided in the lecture)
  • Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph. Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009
  • Tom Heath, Christian Bizer. Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space. Morgan & Claypool, 2011.
  • Dean Allemang. Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling in RDFS and OWL. Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.

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