Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Computerlinguistik

Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg

Finalists' Colloquium (Abschlusskolloquium)

Module Description

Course Module Abbreviation Credit Points
BA-2010 Coll 2 LP
Master Coll 2 LP
Lecturer Stefan Riezler, Anette Frank, Katja Markert
Module Type Kolloquium
Language English
First Session 17.10.2024
Time and Place Thursdays, 17:15-20:00, INF 328 / SR25
Commitment Period tbd.


  • Presentation (BA-2010, MA)
  • Regular participation

Only exam candidates (BA-2010, MA) can get credit points. However, all students are invited to present their theses, to listen to the presentations and to take part in the discussions.


The finalists' colloqium gives BA and MA students a forum for presenting and discussing their final theses. The students present the current state of their work and receive feedback from other students as well as lecturers and professors.


Date Session Materials
17.10.2024 Lecture about the final phase - F. Riemenschneider (Studienberatung) Folien zur Ausgestaltung der Abschlussphase
24.10.2024 Sandra Friebolin
31.10.2024 tba
07.11.2024 Lisa Jockwitz (Frank)
14.11.2024 tba
21.11.2024 Hiu Lam Choy (Riezler)
05.12.2024 tba
12.12.2024 Jasmin Wiese, Mattea Mayer (Frank)
19.12.2024 tba
16.01.2025 Blanca Birn, Isabelle Graf (Markert)
23.01.2025 Petry Pacheco, Finn Hillengass, Selina Lützel, Florian Fischer (Riezler)
06.02.2025 Dominik Grosse, Mira Umlauf (Frank), Samuel Innes (Slavistik)

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