Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg
Siegel der Uni Heidelberg

Imitation Learning - Materialübersicht

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Tentative lecture plan

17.02.2020Course Introduction
Potential Presentations/Projects
Behavioral Cloning
Basics intro

Super Tux
Speech Synthesis
18.02.2020Introduction to Online Learning
Structured Prediction
Learning to search for structured prediction
19.02.2020Aggregation Methods
Intro to Reinforcement Learning
Inverse Reinforcement Learning
20.02.2020Presentation topics:
AggreVaTe -- Maksim Schreck, slides, paper
AggreVaTed -- reading group, annotated paper, paper
LOLS -- Fabian Strobel, slides, paper
LOKI -- paper
GANs and GAIL -- reading group, annotated Finn et al., annotated Ho & Ermon, paper
Student presentations
21.02.2020Project topics and related papers:
  1. IRL with MaxEnt -- Jan Stanicki, Julius Unverfehrt (paper, paper)
  2. MT Oracle/IRL with MaxMargin Planning -- Raphael Baumgartner, Luca Hormann (paper, paper, paper, paper)
  3. Deep Q-learning -- Rene Bucchia, Antonio Ruiz, Carlos Rios (paper)
  4. Knowledge Distillation with Dagger -- Vanessa Zuber, Nathaniel Berger (paper, paper)
Student presentations
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