Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Computerlinguistik

Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg

Computational Linguistics Colloquium

Module Description

Lecturer Anette Frank, Katja Markert, Michael Strube
Module Type Kolloquium
Language English
First Session 15.04.2025
Time and Place Tuesdays, 17:15-18:45
INF 328 / SR25
Commitment Period tbd.

Note: This colloquium is not part of the Computational Linguistics BA or MA program, it is part of the PhD program. However, students are welcome to attend. For the Computational Linguistics BA and MA program, and the mandatory Finalist's Colloquium (Abschlusskolloquium), see here.


The Colloquium offers advanced students (Master, Magister) and PhD students of the Department of Computational Linguistics and the NLP Group at HITS (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies) a plenum for presenting and discussing their research, as well as a possibility for joint reading and discussion of specific research areas.

The Institute for Computational Linguistics and HITS also invite external speakers whose talks interested scientists and students are welcome to attend.

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