Dr. Yannick Versley
I was a visiting professor at ICL from October 2013
to March 2016, and a junior research group leader in the
Leibniz ScienceCampus Empirical Linguistics and Computational
Language Modeling from April 2015 to March 2016. From April 1st on, I will work at LinkedIn EMEA in Dublin. | |
Contact details | |
versley cl.uni-heidelberg.de |
Topics of Interest
I have worked on a number of topics, including statistical parsing (Ver05, VR09, Ver14), coreference resolution (Ver06, Ver07, VPP+08, VMPY08), discourse relations (Ver10, Ver11, Ver13a, Ver13b) as well as (distributional) semantics of nouns, verbs, and word relations (Ver07, Ver08, Ver12a, Ver12b).
My current interests are centered around efficient structure-building mechanisms for natural language processing (parsing, compositional sentiment analysis), and how to scale them to a multitude of languages and domains.
Winter 2015/2016
- Introduction to Computational Linguistics
- Research Module for MA students
Summer 2015
- Hauptseminar "Structured Inference for NLP Applications"
- Formal Foundations of Computational Linguistics: Mathematical Foundations
- Abschlusskolloquium (with Anette Frank, Artem Sokolov)
- Doktorandenkolloquium (with Anette Frank, Michael Strube, Andreas Witt)
Winter 2014/2015
- Introduction to Computational Linguistics
- Software project (with Anette Frank)
- Proseminar "NLP techniques for Digital Humanities" (with Anette Frank)
- Abschlusskolloquium (with Anette Frank, Stefan Riezler)
- Doktorandenkolloquium (with Anette Frank, Stefan Riezler, Michael Strube)
Summer 2014
- Formal Foundations of Computational Linguistics: Mathematical Foundations
- Software project
- Hauptseminar "Multimodal Semantics"
- Abschlusskolloquium (with Anette Frank, Stefan Riezler)
- Doktorandenkolloquium (with Anette Frank, Alexander Fraser, Michael Strube)
Winter 2013/2014
- Introduction to Computational Linguistics
- Proseminar "Computational Linguistics in Context"
- Hauptseminar "Statistical Parsing"
- Abschlusskolloquium (with Anette Frank, Stefan Riezler)
- Doktorandenkolloquium (with Anette Frank, Stefan Riezler, Michael Strube)
Completed Theses
- Lena Maldacker (2015): Information Extraction aus historischen Daten mittels Integer Linear Programming Inference
- Julian Gerhard (2015): Genre Adaptive Optimization of Normalization Algorithms
- Sebastian Spaar (2015): Ein Greedy-Ansatz zur dokumentenspezifischen Zeichenerkennung in frühneuhochdeutschen Texten
- Hanna Hees (2015): Prognose potentieller psychischer Erkrankungen aus Forenbeiträgen
- Raphael Schumann (2015): Literaturbasierte Konferenzempfehlungen für Autoren und Verleger
- Xiaolin Bao (2015): Diskontinuierliches Konstituentenparsing durch Konversion aus Dependenzen
- Angelika Kirilin (2015): Crosslinguale Analyse von Parserverhalten mittels Graphmotiven
- Alexandra Hagelstein (2015):
Data-driven Comparison of discourse connectives in English, German and French - David Grimm (2015): Verbesserte Lemmatisierung in domänenfremden Texten
- Michael Haas (2015): Weakly Supervised Learning for Compositional Sentiment Recognition
- Elisa Starke (2014): Morphologiesensitives Wortclustering für die Domänenadaptation im Parsing
- Sabrina Mänz (2014): Experimente mit einem multimodalen E-Mail-Korpus für die Sprachsynthese